Thursday, August 21, 2008

Long Summer Days...

Can't believe summer is coming to an end and in 23 short days my baby will be ONE. Time goes so fast. I enjoy the late days. It gives me lots of time to spend with Baby D playing after work. The other night we headed to the backyard with his ball to roll/kick it around a little. He loves this ball, I think Grandma got it for him (Surpise I know), and he likes to chase it around. Sometimes he uses it like a Yoga ball, Auntie Natalie would be proud.

He is starting to walk more, He walked across the living room last night, twice. He also got up on his own and walked from the bathroom to the kitchen. I got some on video last night, I am not trying to juggle memories in video and in camera!

Here are some pictures from the other night.

Doesn't he look like a big boy!
Eating grass..
The look of concentration after rolling his ball.

A yoga move..

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